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Name:Ak.LEOPARD.H(韩亚欣).100% human being.I'm hyper&friendly!:) unless you've lived my life,if not dont judge me.because you don't know,never have &never know every little thing&detalis about me. I'M LEOPARD QUEENZ♥



31 May 2010

what is Tomato and Potato?

Yaxin is soooooo stupid.

today she came over to find me. As she's going to meet her Randy :)

I told her i'm having a half an hour break later. And she shouted YES! I BLURBLUR wondering what she YES at.

I told her my work ends at 9.20pm

I told her not to talk to me, As boss daughter is there.

After i end work, We went to smoke.

Then i found out tht her ear got some problem, Seriously bad !!

She told me that:

She heard i say i am having '3' hours break

She heard i say my work ends at 9.45pm

She heard i say Lady boss -.-

hahahahaha. we walk around and fianlly land in KFC.

Ordered food and start eating, And then i found out another thing.


Tsktsk. my poor little Yaxin. You need a doctor and a primary school teacher. :D


Congrats that you're attact now:D
(grab this from ahdi's blog,damn funny lah,omg)
so last friday, met my baby at tpy inter slack with him around 6plus he went off alr,
ahdi ask me not to talk him as his boss daughter was there,i heard lady boss! - -
awhile later....
went to find ahdi again,he tell me he having half an hour break,but i heard is 3 hours! - -
after his break i went home and take my stuffs.
i ask him wat time he finish work, he told me is 920.but i heard 945. - -
you know was having a very heavy rain? i rush down to his work place!
went to eat KFC,so ya, i dunno wat is tomato and potato! :(
and he keeping laughing at me!
so long never meet him alr!, still cant grow up.still so siaosiao! but was really fun that night! haha!


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